Stream of Consciousness Saturday (or Sunday) – week 1 #SOCSaturday
A few months ago, I participated twice in #SOCSunday with Jana. And then she ended the linkup and I was super sad. I’ve been thinking about this over the past couple of months and I finally reached out to her and she is totally fine with me reviving Stream of Consciousness Sunday! Except I want to shoot for Saturdays.
So here’s the deal. Set a timer. Take note of your laptop’s clock. Whatever you have to do and just write for 5 minutes. You can go over to 7 minutes if you choose, but any longer than that and it’s too long. Just write. Whatever is on your mind. Stream of consciousness. Then link up over here. Check back and read other posts. Give some reading/comment love.
This is old school blogging at its best.
I’ll work to have my posts up Saturday morning. If you can’t write until Sunday, that’s fine. But Monday doesn’t count. (I have to have boundaries at some point, you know.) If you tweet or Facebook post, use the hashtag #SOCSaturday. And let’s show each other some blog love!
I started this summer out with the goal of reading three books. I’ve completed one and started two others. And I keep buying and adding books to my nightstand. I think I have 5 books waiting on me to get through current reads.
I’ve been bothered recently. I can’t exactly pinpoint what is bothering me, but I feel unsettled. Uneasy. My husband used to have a student who said certain things made her feel uneasy. And that’s how I feel.
Over the past few months, I’ve seen several bloggers mention the book “Hands Free Mama.” On a whim, I ordered the book on Sunday night. It arrived Wednesday and I read the first chapter before I fell asleep. It finally clicked what is making me feel uneasy.
I’m always “on.” I am always on the go and I’m constantly connected. I’m officially on vacation time (even though I’m at home at the moment) and I desperately need to turn off. Disconnect. Refocus.
My husband needs me. My son needs me. Even my cat needs me. And I’ve known this for months years. My previous job almost required me to be constantly connected. I was living and breathing a digital world. My current job requires me to be connected to people, and not my computer 24/7.
So I’m making changes. I’m starting with simple rules for myself. And I’m hoping this vacation is exactly what I need to help enforce these rules.
Want to join in on #SOCSaturday? Link up below!
Not too shabby for only 5 minutes. I just know that if I set my timer and it started, my mind would go blank as soon as the timer started LOL.
What a great idea…I had to join in. Added my post to your linky!
I might have to participate in this next weekend from one of my other websites. Sounds like fun.
Sounds like a fun hop. Everybody needs mom, uh? Us mom needs vacation – have fun and take some “me time”
Such a fun idea. I try to stay off the computer all day on Saturdays though and just do family fun things.
I used to do this daily for 2 semesters with a College Professor. I remember just how much we all *hated* it at the begining, but it started to make more sense as we shared our own posts out loud to the entire class. At the end we were totally into it and wanted more time on the clock which is a huge change from the beginning when most students were *begging* for *less* free form writing time. I miss those days greatly!
I love this idea! So often as bloggers, we have set campaigns we’re working on, but how often do we just take the time to write. I know I have really been trying hard to add in more “just because” personal posts. Thanks for sharing this.
I think these kinds of things are fun. Glad your friend let you take it over! And I agree, disconnecting from the digital world is very beneficial to friends, family, and us. 🙂
The way I work on my blog is a spend time with the family and when I get a few min break I sit down and type what I can then come back and finish it as time goes by
I’m always “on” too. Even in my sleep because my daughter still nurses at night. I wonder if the book would help me?
I’m going to try your tip – writing for 5 minutes straight without any distractions. I get terribly distracted online (hence me commenting on your blog, rather than blogging like I’m suppose to).
I always feel ON too. I’m trying to slow down and relax more.
What a great idea! I think no matter what, we all need to disconnect at times. I’m so glad you finally figured out what was bugging you, that is awesome!
It’s always good to have some time for family and friends – even for yourself! This sounds like a great way to find that time, but yet still do what you love to do.
I love the idea of SOCS! I love that you would not need to make a full cohesive blog! Nice to take a break!
This is such a neat idea! I really enjoyed reading this post.
Great hop. I stay ON 100%. I have for the past 7 years. My oldest is 7. Go figure.
I’ll be joining in the future. I love this idea! I have a hard time disconnecting too.