Stream of Consciousness – week 10 #freewriting #SOCSaturday

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Welcome back to another week of Stream of Consciousness Saturday. This is the time where I spend 5 minutes free writing. I want this to go up on Saturdays, so I’m generally writing this on Friday. Sometimes super early Saturday. Or Sunday, if that’s easier for you.


The rules….

1. Set a timer for five minutes. (Or keep tabs with your computer’s clock.)

2. Write freely. Any topic. Whatever is on your mind. It doesn’t even have to be completely cohesive.

3. Tag on social media with #SOCSaturday or #SOCSunday and link up below. You have all day Saturday and Sunday to join the link up. It closes Monday morning.

4. Click around and give some comment/blog love.


I spent Friday evening with former colleagues. Several of my former colleagues were laid off/opted not to reapply for their jobs after many years. Just as we did last year when 8 of us were let go, we gathered to mourn the jobs we once had, and the brighter futures.

One of my new colleagues told me that we just had to let it go. Except it isn’t that easy. I worked in the newspaper for 15 years. Some of my friends have been there 40+ years. You don’t let something – or the people – go.

I’ve been in my new job for 9 months and it still surprises me daily the new things I’m tasked with. I still find so much enjoyment in what I do. I rarely have a bad day. Sure, I have stressful days (don’t we all?), but I haven’t come home in a rotten mood, hating life.

I hope for the sake of my former colleagues that they are able to redefine their careers. Even the ones who are now semi-retired. I hope that they’re able to continue to do something they are passionate about, whether it’s design, photography or writing.

I worked with top notch people. Newspapers are changing and evolving and the companies just aren’t able to keep up. So people are suffering because of this (people including readers.) I hate seeing this happen because I believed in the product – both print and online.

I have only the best wishes, though, for all of my friends as they pursue next chapters of their careers. And I hope they see all the good that can come out of it (because I eventually did.)

As the party was starting, a thunderstorm rolled in. Eventually, many of us moved into the yard to talk, even with the rain falling. At one moment, I realized it wasn’t really raining and the sky started to brighten and I snapped this photo.


I think it was very fitting for this occasion.

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  1. OMG, I haven’t done a stream of consciousness writing exercise since my College Days. I had no idea you were in Newspaper too! I went from Newspapers (several different roles, first as a classified sales manager, to an Editor, to a Film Critic for the Bronx Observer), then several Magazines, then television news writing, and now, blogging by far has brought me way more independence and satisfaction, although I will say Magazine Swag was pretty sweet, and the paid press junkets while I was a film critic were awesome!

  2. The picture definitely says it all…It’s more than a shame for people to be losing their jobs and newspapers virtually disappearing. The only positive thing I can think of is that it forces people to get creative.

    This is such a great exercise! It sort of clears inhibitions and allows you to really just write.

  3. I have come to realize a lot of the times that we feel the most confused in our lives can be the best. That is when our true character is being developed. I hope they all find great things to do that they are passionate about!

  4. That is awesome that you guys still get together. I bet that really helps with the grieving process because in essence, that’s what it is. I love when the sky symbolizes what I’m feeling. It looks like that’s just what it did for you all.

  5. Prior to teaching, I worked in the Hotel Industry. I worked at two hotels before starting my current job as a teacher. (I know, huge change.) I still keep in touch with lots of people from both hotels. Some of them, I consider really good friends to this day.

    PS: LOVE that pic. Gorgeous colours.

  6. That is a beautiful photo. I think you have a great attitude about work and it if you can keep the negative at bay, you will be so far ahead of the game. They say that you have at least 3 career changes in your lifetime. I think that is most likely true and necessar for growth.

  7. Love that you said, “It’s doesn’t have to be cohesive.” With that I said, “I’m in!” Nice to meet ‘cha! Sorry to hear that you guys got laid off. It is sad what has happened to news and readers. There are too many distractions and so many easy ways to get what’s in the newspaper. I always feel bad about that because I am an early adopter of e-reading but always hoped books, magazines and newspapers wouldn’t go away. I guess you could say as far as that goes, I want to eat my cake…

  8. What a great idea, I will have to make sure I do it. I hope your friends all find new jobs. My husband was laid off after being with his company over 20 years. It took him over a year to find another job. I love the picture you took.

  9. I think it’s great that you have found a new job that you enjoy. It’s nice to be able to reconnect with former colleagues.

  10. That is a gorgeous picture you captured. I love that you guys still get together. We faced similar circumstances this year which resulted in much better jobs!

  11. The picture definitely fits the situation. There is sunshine behind those clouds. They just have to roll away. You’re right about not forgetting the people you used to work with. I’m glad you’ve found something new.

  12. I have never even heard of a post like this before, what a fun writing exercise. Great way to get back on track with life and be positive. Thank you for sharing this, I enjoyed reading it.

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