Stream of Consciousness – week 16 #SOCSaturday #blogging #freewriting
Welcome back to another week of Stream of Consciousness Saturday. This is the time where I spend 5 minutes free writing. I usually post this for Saturday morning, but sometimes that just doesn’t happen. It’s totally fine.
October is generally my favorite month of the year. My birthday, our wedding anniversary, fall. So many fun things. This month, we have been slammed.
I’m trying to take moments to appreciate the fall colors and all of the goodness that surrounds us right now. My family has been visiting this week and work has continued to be busy (I think we get a break next week.) I’m in a perpetual state of work. My grandma even commented on it. And this afternoon when it was time for my son to nap, I crashed. I slept for hours. I definitely needed the sleep, but I could also think of all the things that needed to be taken care of during those hours.
My brother left for South Korea today (well, he will shortly. I know he’s at the airport.) It’s been a lot of fun having him in town the past two weeks. We’ll miss him a lot this next year. I’m so excited for this next adventure of his, though.
My son absolutely idolizes his uncle Jason. Thinks he’s the greatest person and wants to do whatever Jason tells him to do. I’m excited to see the two of them reunite in person next October.
Until then, I will try to enjoy the final week(s) of the month before we head into November. I think I have one more really, really busy week and then we can tackle the holiday season.
Someone warned me that this was my “busy season” at work. I just had no idea until I was in the middle of it!
Want to participate? The rules….
1. Set a timer for five minutes. (Or keep tabs with your computer’s clock.)
2. Write freely. Any topic. Whatever is on your mind. It doesn’t even have to be completely cohesive.
3. Tag on social media with #SOCSaturday or #SOCSunday and link up below. You have all day Saturday and Sunday to join the link up. It closes Monday morning.
4. Click around and give some comment/blog love.
Oh my – isn’t it amazing when your body collapses because it just needs it? And I am like you – I just think of everything I SHOULD be doing. And my boys worship their Uncle, too. It is amazing.
is it really almost november? CRAZY!