Stream of Consciousness: Yard Selling – week 49 #SOC #blogging #freewriting
Can you believe it’s almost been a full year since I’ve started writing these Stream of Consciousness posts regularly? A whole year, friends. That’s a lot of random thinking.
My neighborhood is having a yard sale this morning. I’ve been gathering random things from our house for the past several weeks – before the neighborhood had committed to this yard sale. I only had in mind to take everything to Goodwill, and about two weeks ago I figured, “why not try to sell things?”
No worries, though. Whatever doesn’t sell goes to Goodwill by this afternoon.
I have so much clutter. So much. I’m weeding out everything. I went through just our guest room closet last weekend and I found a bag of Sesame Street birthday party supplies. Y’all. That party was almost two years ago. Why am I still hanging onto anything from that weekend?
I feel so much better mentally when the house is cleared, and I worked on the garage a little last night. I wish I could just empty everything out and start over with belongings. Is that too crazy or too much to ask for? (I think it’s too much to ask for. Maybe not so crazy.)
Whatever doesn’t sell heads to Goodwill in a few hours. I actually have designations for a few things. Goodwill, an animal shelter and a used bookstore. Hopefully we won’t be heading to all of those places.
So here’s to a quiet weekend, and hopefully a lot of cleaning out. What are you up to today?
You go girl! I’m so proud of you for decluttering. I need to follow suit and do the same thing. I was just thinking the same thing about SOC going for almost a year. That’s crazy! And so exciting. I love SOC.