Stretched Too Thin – aren’t we all?
Hi, friends! We’re friends, right? Our summer is flying by and I’m not quite sure where July went. I blinked and it was over.
We have less than two weeks left until our son starts school again, but it’s really more like a few days and then we have to piece together even more childcare. This is the downside of having both parents working in a school setting.
I’ve been listening to Jessica Turner’s upcoming book, Stretched Too Thin. (I received the audiobook to listen to.) And just listening to the first chapter, I found myself agreeing with every single thing she had to say. As a working out of the home mom to two kids, and interests that I’d love to pursue, I am definitely stretched too thin.
I’m going to have a lot more to say about this book once I listen to the entire book, but I wanted to tell you that it is 50% off on Amazon today. It’s only $11.49 for the hardcover version – and less than $11 for the Kindle version! If you buy one book I recommend this year, let it be this one.
If you are a mom (because let’s be honest, we’re all working moms in one form or another), Jessica also has a video series available for the next few weeks – and it’s free. She’s been interviewing several working moms and you can watch all of the videos (they’re short. Completely manageable!) Click on the graphic for more details!
So basically, mom guilt is real and we all need to recognize it….and try to let it go.
Head over to Amazon and pre-order the book. And then let’s all discuss the book in September, okay?