Summer 2014 bucket list
I’m not usually one to create a bucket list, but I mentioned last week that we have one started. The husband and I are going to be fairly busy, and we don’t want the summer to completely get away from us. I have a list written out (and scrapbook-able), and I wanted to share it with you!
1. Get to Splasheville as often as possible. We haven’t been at all this year (even though it has only been reopened for a month or so.)
2. Go camping. We have all of the gear necessary for camping, but we’ve NEVER BEEN! True story. I registered (unbeknownst to my fiance at the time) for camping gear. And said-fiance’s co-workers bought every item on our registry. That was 7 years ago. And the husband is really pushing to go camping this summer.
3. Zoo trip! We’ve taken the toddler to a couple of zoos, but never the NC Zoo. We’re actually planning to go in a couple of weeks.
4. Beach trip. This is also on the books! (Another true story. We’ve never been on a vacation as just the three of us. We almost always head to a family member’s home, or are traveling with family.)
5. I want to read 3 books. That sounds like nothing to many of my friends, but I have more than 3 books sitting on my nightstand.
6. I want to run a 5k with the toddler (in his stroller, obviously.) The 5k I thought was family-friendly actually doesn’t allow strollers, so now I’m on the hunt for a different race.
7. A “yes” day. A day in which I don’t argue with the toddler and we just do whatever he wants. This means I should probably clean out his sandbox soon (because I’ve been telling him for months he can’t play in that mess.)
We may end up with a few more items on our bucket list. For now, these are great, and we have plans. Planning is the first step, right?
Have you ever created a summer bucket list? What do you have planned for this summer?
I usually make a list of all the places I want to go with the kiddos every year and usually things like the beach, playground and zoos are a given. A trip to the aquarium is definitely on there this year.
I haven’t yet, but I really need to make a list like this. If I don’t, I feel like I’ll end up not getting around to some of the things I really want to get done.
I don’t make a bucket list either, but I do have everything I want to do stored away in my mind. I guess that is kind of a bucket list.
I do not normally make a bucket list but i think maybe i should this year.We have a lot planned already.
I have had a bucket list since I lost a good friend in my 20s. Never started doing anything about it til a few years ago. So glad I have . I am so much happier that I don’t put off things anymore,.
I totally need to give my kids a whatever they want to do day! I think it would be fun!
What a fun list! I don’t think 3 books is silly at all. Somehow time just gets away from me in the summer, and I find I read less even with more time. Last year I made a “Summer Bravery Bucket List” and it was so great. I definitely want to do it again this year!
I want to go camping too. Maybe I should wait until the youngest is potty-trained? Great list!
I went to the NC zoo a couple of years ago. It’s a really nice place, so I know you’ll have fun. I definitely think if you have all the camping gear you have GOT to go!
I love these Summer Bucket List posts I’ve been seeing. I am most likely going to blatantly copy this topic very shortly. They’re fun to read, and I love lists!
I think we need to add “get our boys together at least once” to our lists! 🙂
What a fun bucket list. I want to sign up for another 5K!
We went camping last year for the first time with our daughter and had tons of fun. We booked a spot this year for the 4th of July but then my husband got orders and we are PCSing so no camping this Summer. Lots of great ideas on your list.
You’ve got a great family list! Maybe you could combine a couple of things. Camping in an area with a beach and a zoo?
I cannot believe you have never been camping!! You’ll probably both love it and hate it at the same time! Prepare for little sleep but lots of awesome memories.
Great list! I wouldn’t recommend camping here in NC in the summer, though. It might be too uncomfortably hot, day and night. 🙂
Sounds like a fun summer! We’ll go to the beach, to a waterpark, to Universal Studios, and I need to come up with more!
I agree. I made a bucket list but have debated on if I should post it or not. Mine is much longer! LOL! The NC zoo is amazing!!! They have the best playgrounds! I know you don’t go to a zoo for the playgrounds but they were fantastic! I wish we still lived in NC.
This reminds me I need to make a bucket list!
My son has the zoo on his bucket list too. It looks like you have fun activities planned.
Love the idea of a “Yes” day. I should do that with my kids too!
I love camping! It helps me unwind and regenerate. I think one reason may be because I’m completely disconnected. It’s my detox that I need a few times a year. I hope you get to go and do everything else on your list this year but more thn anything I hope you get to relax and enjoy your family! Be well!
Great list! I just want to visit the beach and read, read, read. Hopefully I can squeeze in at least 3 books too!
Sounds like a perfect bucket list to me! I want the beach, the zoo, the splash park or water park but I might skip reading.
I love your list!! I hope you find your 5k! Splashville looks great!
I have a few things we’ve already completed, and more to do. Splash pool, stone mountain, and attempting to sleep in!
the beach is always on my list. I have a few more things on my list for this summer too.
I haven’t created a summer bucket list, but I love the idea. I’m always mentioning things I want to do, but don’t always get around to them. But when it’s on a list… well… then it HAS TO HAPPEN!
I love the YES day….I will have to give that a try. We are planning a lot of the same things this summer. Summer is so short living in WIsconsin I want to enjoy every minute!
This is a great bucket list. A 5KM is on my list too!
My youngest went to the zoo for a field trip and loved it so much that we’re going to have to go back. 🙂 This is a great summer bucket list.
I just made a bucket list too. Lots of water parks, lots of sun and fun!
I have never thought of this before, but I need to sit down with hubby and make a bucket list. Thanks for the idea!
Great bucket list! I have one going, which I never thought I would but I think they are great to have, but even greater to start ticking them off! Good luck!
We have a summer bucket list too and I realllllly hope we get to everything on it. Planning on lots of pool days and beach days too.
I love the idea of a “YES” day!! I get so tired of being the bad guy and having to tell my little man no to things – a day geared all around him and what he wants to do sounds like such a wonderful experience!!
Have fun accomplishing your bucket list. It is reasonably sized for a season of fun.
We are going to hit the beach, the mountains, and NYC this summer. I can’t wait for the adventures to begin!
We made a summer bucket list! I have since lost it- but I do recall it included lots of day trips and water!
I love creating “bucket list inspired” list. Not necessarily things I have to do before I kick the bucket but thing I want to do during hte season or year.
Awesome Bucket List, I haven’t started one but now feel motivated to make one.
A beach trip sounds awesome. I think that’s on everyone’s list this summer. It’s definitely on mine…a few time.
We created a summer bucket list as well. We also have go to the zoo and the beach on ours. I think we’re going to save both for the end of the summer when it’s a bit cooler and less people lol.
Min summer bucket lists are great! I have a few things on mine that I am hoping to get accomplished
It sounds like you have a fun summer planned! I don’t have a bucket list because our main goal is to get our rental house ready and AFTER that is done we can have some fun!
This is a great list. I really want to take my kids to the zoo
The only things on my bucket list for summer right now is work out, eat healthier, drink more water. I like yours a lot better! lol
Awesome list! Splashparks are so great when kids are little! Have fun this summer!!
Great list. More and more, I’m thinking we need to add camping to our list. I think the kids would love it.
We keep discussing it but I think we need to put it on paper to make sure we mark off all that the kids want to do. And yes the zoo is on ours too!
What a FUN list!!
I think I am going to have to add a Yes day to my summer bucket list. I know my son would love it.