Sunday = Fun day?

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After a dreary Saturday, I didn’t have much hope for today. Especially considering the rainy week we had. But we woke up to beautiful weather. Low 70s, sunny and breezy. A perfect fall day.

Today was day one (again) without caffeine so I didn’t have high hopes for my mood. Lucky for me, I channeled all of my decaffeinated energy into cleaning – and laundry. I folded about 3 loads-worth of laundry from over a week ago, and then washed, dried and folded 4 more loads of laundry. We go through a lot of clothes. What can I say? I hate to see what our laundry situation is going to be like when we ever have a child.

The afternoon was spent dog walking, and then with me working on bridal shower invitations for one of my best friends. (As soon as they’re mailed, I’m going to post pictures.) And then came the parties.

First was a party at my co-worker’s house. A housewarming party, which involved a lot of cool people. As we were leaving, I really wondered if we were going to be able to get out. One car was in the way and had to be moved (I still ended up off-roading it a bit.) A second car was blocking the entrance of the driveway….and the girl’s wheel fell off her car, so there was no moving the vehicle. We off-roaded it again, and narrowly missed a cinder block and metal stake.

Our next gathering was a dinner party at one of our neighbor’s houses, in which we met other cool people and got to talk to other cool neighbors. I’m glad it was a smaller gathering, as we were able to talk more one-on-one with our neighbors (the ones who owned Biscuit, the cat I helped rescue in the winter time.)

I’m sad tomorrow’s Monday, but I’m hoping the week goes by fast so we can get to another fun weekend 🙂

I hope you’ve had a fun, eventful weekend! Now I’m hoping for a good Monday…..

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