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I normally am not one to welcome Monday with open arms, but I really needed the weekend to end.

On Saturday, my new running shoes failed me. I’m going to try them out on a short run today, but I don’t have high hopes (and since they’ve been worn outside, I may have to resort to selling them on ebay, rather than returning them.)

My husband was sick most of the weekend. I think he’s on the mend, but he got progressively worse.

Our furnace quit working. We hope to have someone out today to check it out, but seeing how the furnace is as old as the house (36 years old,) we may be in the market for something new. Of course, it quit the first day it hit 34 degrees.

Oliver the wonder dog is not doing great. I’m afraid we’re watching him in his last days. Normally when I’m with him at the house, he’ll be the first to greet me at the door. He didn’t do that, nor did he lay next to me on the rug. He’s very shaky and mopey. It is devastating to see him like this. (He turned 13 years old this summer.)

My aunt Linda who has commented numerous times on my blog is currently in the hospital as doctors try to figure out what is wrong (she’s disoriented and not herself – that’s all I’ve been told.)

So, yeah. Thank God it’s Monday and I don’t have to relive that weekend again. While the entire weekend wasn’t terrible (there were a few great highlights), I’m ready to start a new week.

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  1. Sorry to hear Oliver is having slower days…prayers that he isn’t in any pain and is enjoying time with his loving family!

    Prayers for your aunt and hubby too-hope they are on the road to recovery as I type!

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