Thankful for the gift of gab #30DaysOfThanks #NaBloPoMo

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So much to be thankful for…and I haven’t even hit things like my bed and new duvet cover that makes me smile when I see it every day.


Day 21 – Restaurants and delivery places near our house. On this particular day, I left work at 5:00, was able to pick up our son at daycare, get to the pizza place to pick up the order I had placed on my way to daycare and get home – all before 5:50 p.m. The traffic gods were looking out for me and giving me few red lights and an easy ride around my side of Asheville. (Also, I work 25 minutes from home and daycare. I really was lucky and grateful that day!)

Day 22 – Free moments to work in the yard. I’ve neglected the yard a lot this fall, and I was finally able to mulch leaves (not all of them) for an hour.

Day 23 – Nap time. Sometimes we just need a break. The whole household.

Day 24 – Our toddler has been talking non-stop all weekend. It can drive us batty. On the other hand, we’re thankful he can express how he’s feeling and what he’s thinking.

What are you thankful on this Monday?

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  1. I am thankful that my husband stayed home from work today. I am so sick and can’t get off of the couch, so he is totally picking up my slack,

  2. I’m so grateful that I was able to catch up on some much needed sleep over the weekend! I’m also grateful that we have a long weekend coming up. 🙂

  3. I have to admit that I’ve never touch our front flower beds since moving in, the summer of 2013. Yikes, I know! But really, who has time for that? Glad you got some work done in your yard. I feels good, doesn’t it?

  4. I am thankful my hubby made it home in time for dinner while it was still hot. His schedule is so unpredictable, sometimes dinner gets cold before he gets home.

  5. Today i am thankful i seem to have gotten over this cold that has been holding on for weeks. I am also thankful for my family.

  6. I’m grateful the kids have school today but then they’re home for five days, woot! And I wish I could get my leaves mulched, that’d make me happy. Snow keeps getting in my way.

  7. Oh a nap sounds like a wonderful thing to be thankful for. It’s always good to have a reminder of what we should be thinking of this season!

  8. Such a wonderful idea. I’m thankful for warranties today since my car didn’t work this am, took it to the dealer and it cost me nothing to fix!

  9. I am thankful for my husband, who is my rock and biggest supporter and my son, who fills my heart so full that I can’t believe it hasn’t burst. I’m especially thankful to be visiting my parents since I only get to see them 2-3 times a year and missed seeing them last Thanksgiving. I am so blessed!

  10. I’m a little late to answering this post, but last Monday I was thankful for having a great staff. Managing is so much more simple with great, competent people. Today I’m thankful for hubby who did all of the house chores in order for me to catch up on blog stuff!

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