Thankful for patience (sometimes) and insurance #30DaysOfThanks #NaBloPoMo

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We’re almost through the month! I’m still keeping track of things I’m thankful for! All of this deserves exclamation points!!


Day 17 – Patience. I have a 3-year-old and he is t-r-y-i-n-g. He pushes every button he can and even his dentist talked about how independent and strong-willed he is. I’m not always the most patient person (and I even apologized to him this week for not being patient in one of our bedtime distraction meltdowns), but I’m thankful that during most times I can hold it together.

Day 18 – Dental insurance. We’re looking at something that should be a simple procedure but out of pocket is going to cost thousands of dollars. (All because my son refuses to sit in the dental chair. For real.) So I’m thankful that I have the option of dental insurance for him and that it’s reasonably affordable. (Now talk to me when I have to pay 100% out of pocket for the other location that we have to take him to because my health insurance is kind of jacked….)

Day 19 – The fitness center on campus. I have a place to go when running outside just isn’t an option. And most times I even have access to free cable tv, which I do not have at home.

Day 20 – Sesame Street. I remember watching Sesame Street growing up, and today it entertains my son (and teaches him in the process.) I also love that they incorporate some pretty fabulous celebs/musicians into the show. We’re big fans of Jason Mraz and “Outdoors”.

What are you thankful for this week?

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  1. even though its hovered near 28-34 during the days around here, at least the sun has shone? shined? most of every day this week. that totally makes me feel better….

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