thankful Thursday

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In a world that is far too negative and sad, I feel that there needs to be more positive thinking. So I give you….thankful Thursday.

1. Last week, my toddler told me “I love you” with no prompting from me. And he proceeded to hug me with his oatmeal-covered hands. Before I left for work. I am thankful for ALL of that. Some people never have the opportunity to be parents. Some may be parents, but their children may never be able to tell them “I love you.” It was a pretty sweet feeling.


2. Every day when I drive to work, I can’t help but realize how lucky I am to be working at my alma mater. I never dreamed that I would work there, and it’s amazing how things work out. I work with a team of positive people. The students and staff all support the place we work/study and it’s refreshing.

3. I’m so grateful for a warm home and that we haven’t lost power or had any real major issues since the polar vortex hit last week (and we are experiencing a cold snap now.) Many in my area are not as lucky – and for that, I’m thankful for the shelters and churches who open their doors for those who need the space.


What are you thankful for this week?

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  1. I am thankful this week, and every week, for having a job. There are many people out there right now that cannot find work and are having a hard time supporting their family. I am also thankful to be doing something I enjoy with good people always around me.

  2. Random and out of the blue “I love yous” are simply the best. they can keep me going for days. it’s important to sit back every once in a while (weekly!) and be thankful for all the great things in our lives.

  3. It’s always important to be thankful for everything we have, even if it is just something small. I know a warm home may be nothing to some, but in this 4 degree weather, my bunnies and I would be frozen without it!

  4. I love the way my children say “MOmmy”! It just melts my heart. The other day my little guy had been upstairs playing and when he came down he said “mommy!” as if I had been gone for a year!

  5. The weather has been crazy over here in Georgia too. This morning it was 8 degrees, but the “feels like” was -2…that’s just ridiculous for the south! I am very thankful to have a warm home during the cold.

  6. I love those special moments with my kids. I love Thankful Thursday. There are so many times when I get upset when things don’t seem to be going the way I had hoped. I really have to sit back and get a grip on myself and focus on all the things that ARE going well and all the things that I have been blessed with.

  7. This week I have been trying to focus more on the positive, like you said we are thankful for our warm home when some don’t have this.

  8. I’m thankful that even though my husband lost his job we are able to still pay our bills through unemployment and my work doing social media and blogging.

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