Thankful Thursday – sunshine and work

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It’s time for another Thankful Thursday post (I’m hoping to do these about every other week – so link up if you can!) We’ve had a good week. Even if it has been crazy busy (like most weeks, it seems.)


1. I’m SO thankful for sunshine and warm weekends! We could not have asked for a more perfect weekend and spent it getting reacquainted with downtown.


2. My job has been really fulfilling lately and this week I’ve been incredibly busy. I’m thankful that there are people that need me, and that I can be helpful. (I work with really great people.)

3. Running. Exercise in general. I’ve done a good job at holding myself accountable this week, and it feels like I’m actually making progress. The weather has made for some great running conditions. And I’ve been incorporating more weights into my workouts (something I generally hate.) It feels good, as long as I can keep illness at bay. (And hopefully with the regular exercising, I can stop being sick this winter!)

What are you thankful for this week?


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  1. So good you have gotten back into a good running routine. I have been getting back to my exercise class and it feels great to do so. Fun idea for a link up. Oh and speaking of, I just e-mailed you with the linky for Friday 5 for tomorrow and a few questions 🙂

  2. I am currently thankful for the same three things! The weather sent my mood over the edge into happy mode, which I know made the hubs ecstatic. My jobs (all of them) have been fulfilling lately, albeit a bit overwhelming. Running! I’m so happy to be running again. Even though I haven’t read over 4.5 miles, I’m getting there slowly. I will definitely link with TT here soon.

  3. There’s always something to be thankful for, but sometimes we need a reminder; so thank you for reminding me to think of my blessings! 🙂
    My thankfulness for the week: Two of my kids had the stomach flu (not fun), but I’m thankful the rest of the family didn’t get it!

  4. I am thankful that I have been super-busy at work and that I’ve been able to incorporate more water into my routine every day. Hopefully, once CHIberia is over I can start running outside.

  5. I’m so glad you’re enjoying work- it is so great when you can actually enjoy what you do. &I second that on the sunshine, it’s been beautiful here as well!

  6. Love these “Thankful” posts! Today, I’m thankful that the weekend is arriving!! It’s been a cold and windy week here in IN. so I’m looking forward to spending the weekend IN curled up with some good food and TV! YESSS……all weekend long!

  7. I’m thankful for my job too! I get so stressed out sometimes but the truth it, I love it! I feel so accomplished at the end of a long day!

  8. I’m thankful that we were able to celebrate my daughter’s 3rd birthday with the majority of our family. I’m also thankful that it was almost 50 degrees outside that day – it made it very nice to surprise her with her new swing set! Of course the temps dropped back into the teens right after that, but the warmer weather has to be just around the corner, I know!

  9. I’m thankful to have the ability to do things with my family. Friday, we took the boys to the aquarium and it was nice to go during the week, It would have been much more packed on the weekend.

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