Happy Thanksgiving to all of my family, friends and people who happen to stumble across my blog today!
We’ve been fortunate this year because we’re celebrating Thanksgiving multiple times. It’s been a good year. And we have a lot to be thankful for. We were able to gather with my mom’s side of the family a couple of weeks ago when my brother was home. It’s been years since I’ve seen Jason at Thanksgiving, and I enjoyed every minute that he was in Asheville.
I’m thankful that I have a great family, that we’re all in relatively good health, and that I have the best cat ever (who lets me dress her in costumes, just because it’s funny.)
I’m oh-so-thankful for my husband. Seriously. He’s pretty amazing and I’m so proud of everything he’s accomplished this year. (Have I mentioned that he was accepted to grad school and starts that in a few weeks? He’ll be attending East Carolina University through their online program.) Pretty outstanding, if you ask me.
I’m grateful that family members from my dad’s side of the family were able to visit a few weeks ago. Sure, it was chaotic, but what time with family isn’t chaotic? It was a lot of fun and I have so many photos from their time in NC and memories that will last a very long time.
I’m so thankful for the men and women who are serving overseas and are unable to be with their families today.
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!