Three things Thursday – the sick edition
I’m going to be so glad to see 5:00 Friday this week.
1. Sunday night, we did not sleep AT ALL. Well, maybe 3.5 hours. I was up with the baby every few minutes. She didn’t have a fever, was just screaming and I could not get her settled. Monday morning her temp was slightly higher than normal, and we agreed she should go to the doctor. Fast forward to a double ear infection and some sinus issue, and she earned herself two days at home with the parental units. (And thankfully she has an antibiotic that appears to be working. She has mostly slept through the night since Monday.)
2. Wednesday night I put the boy to bed and he asked me if I could turn the heat on in his room. First off, we don’t have heat in just certain rooms. Second, the heat was on. :-/ I did turn it on a little higher for him, as his teeth were chattering. (In my defense, it was already at 68 degrees!) I checked his temperature and he was normal. Later, around 11:15, he woke up and said he needed cold air. I checked his temp and it was 100.4. He earned himself a day with Gamma and me. (He stayed with my mom for the morning and I got home from work early so he could rest at home, while I worked.)
3. I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. Will it be Kenny next? Me? Moms can’t get sick. It’s against the rules. We don’t have the time or the caretakers to get sick. I kind of wonder if I’m not getting this cold virus right now because I’m diffusing the heck out of essential oils all day long when I’m in the office. I mean, ALL. Day. Long. I’m not great about diffusing at home, but I’ll be diffusing this weekend for sure.
We’re looking forward to a low-key weekend. I’m helping with toddlers at church on Sunday and right now I’m praying everyone is healthy.
Oh my goodness, what a rough week. It stinks so much to see our little ones sick, but fingers crossed you stay healthy. I need do more with essential oils!
Good luck!