Tips for alleviating morning sickness and nausea #MomsMeet #ad
I received this product for free from Moms Meet ( to use and post my honest opinions.
Let me just clarify something – I am not currently pregnant. I’m going to be discussing morning sickness, and I want to be sure my family and friends don’t get too excited. 😉 That said, I’ve been pregnant twice, and some of my telltale symptoms were very similar in both pregnancies. I was fortunate – I never experienced full-blown morning sickness. I have, however, dealt with nausea and it was not fun. (I consider myself lucky that it wasn’t much more.) My go-to items to deal with nausea were Sea-Band bracelets, ginger lozenges, and all the snacks I could handle.
Just over two years ago, I remember driving from work towards home and feeling SO car sick. It was one of my first indicators that I was pregnant. When I was pregnant the first time, I would get car sick when someone else was driving and never when I was driving. I could often sleep through the car ride. So no the case when I was sick driving myself.
My favorite remedies?
1 – Sea-Band Mama! These bracelets come in a two pack and are knit bracelets with a plastic stud that you position on a pressure point. These were great because I could wear them at my desk and they helped the nausea feelings. If I was wearing short sleeves, I would often take them off when people came into my office (only because at that point I was still not telling people we were pregnant.)
2. Ginger lozenges. Natural ginger helps with upset stomachs, and lozenges are great to keep at your bedside to take one as soon as you wake up in the morning. I kept crackers and lozenges within arm’s reach throughout much of my second pregnancy.
3. Sea-Band Mama! Ginger and Spearmint Rollette – This is not one I tried personally (and I gave this to a friend who is newly pregnant.) I was actually hesitant to use a lot of essential oils when I was pregnant. (I’ve read certain oils doing mix well with pregnancy – so definitely read up or consult with your doctor about this.) I love the idea of the ginger and spearmint rollette. Diluted lime, ginger and spearmint essential oils make up this rollette. To use, this is simply applied to your wrists, temple or chest when you need some relief.
How do you combat morning sickness or nausea? Have you tried the Sea-Band Mama! bracelets?
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