Growing my site with Traffic Secrets

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The following is a sponsored post in collaboration with Russell Brunson and Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream Customers. This Traffic Secrets review is all of my own opinions.

I started my blog in 2005. At the time, I was hoping to keep up with technology as blogging was still new and we were trying to figure out how to implement different techniques in a newsroom. A few years later, I found myself writing my first sponsored post. I didn’t really have huge monetization goals until I was pregnant with my daughter and managed to make enough on my site through blog income. My site goes through highs and lows in terms of traffic, and sometime in the middle of 2019, I knew I wanted bigger goals for my traffic. I was really excited when I received my copy of Russell Brunson’s Traffic Secrets and could start diving in on all of the secrets!

Traffic Secrets review

Russell Brunson is a best-selling author and the CEO of $100M software company ClickFunnels. Previous books include Dotcom Secrets and Expert Secrets. And let me tell you, I am here for the secrets. He’s built a following of over a million entrepreneurs, sold hundreds of copies of his books and popularized the concept of sales funnels.

Secrets books by Russell Brunson

Traffic Secrets is set up to truly be a working book. It is broken into secrets (chapters), and if you will do a little bit of reading each day, and research to figure out your dream customer, the book will work for you. I’ve not put a ton of thought into my ideal readers before this year. Surprisingly, when I look at my top posts (based on Google, not just traffic from social media), it’s enlightening. For the past two weeks, I’ve been taking part in Brunson’s 30-day challenge in order to identify my audience and work to increase traffic to my site. I love looking at numbers and data, and in just two weeks, I’ve seen my traffic start to increase and it’s very exciting! (Especially if you’re a fellow blogger, you understand that summertime can be a challenge with increasing traffic.)

Review of Russell Brunson's Traffic Secrets

Let’s talk about my site and audience. I love to write about quick recipes, tips that work for our family, and fun things that might help other moms. I also enjoy providing ways you – my reader – can wind down and relax. Thankfully, my readers are a lot like me. I don’t necessarily have a product to sell, unless you count my content. And I honestly think my site has evolved in so many ways since I started it. When I began writing, I wasn’t married, a homeowner or a mom. Parenting is one of the things I write about most, and it should be no surprise that my headache-relief bath bombs are one of my most popular posts. šŸ™‚ 

I think the toughest part for me was identifying my Dream 100 sites. The top 100 sites my reader loves to read or listen to (think: podcasts.) I’ve identified several, and I’ll continue building my 100 sites. 

Dream 100

The second half of the book has something for everyone with a website! The chapters are split up by Google Traffic Secrets, YouTube Traffic Secrets, Instagram Traffic Secrets and Facebook Traffic Secrets. I will be the first to admit I struggle with all of these, but I can’t wait to dive into the chapters on Google and Instagram. Another goal of mine for this summer is to expand more on YouTube, so I know that the book will help guide me in optimizing those posts.

This book doesn’t promise instant traffic overnight, but I love that the tips and techniques are things that I can start thinking about now, and implementing fairly quickly. My end goal is to increase site traffic and introduce myself to new readers. With Traffic Secrets, I believe I’m well on my way!

This is a sponsored post in collaboration with Russell Brunson and Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream Customers. All opinions are my own.

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  1. I agree! Before starting the 30-day challenge, I had no clue who my audience is. I am still refining my target audience but without this challenge, I don’t think I was going to think about this question. But Traffic Secrets has really asked the right questions and all the information in this book is truly amazing. A lot of it I didn’t really know about. I am excited that your blog has seen an uptick in traffic. Looking forward to hearing your update once this challenge is done!

    Maureen |

  2. I love that you have been blogging almost for as long as I have. A lot changes in 15+ years, and yet, I find that for me, so much is still the same, personally. I have loved reading this book and getting even clearer on the moms I want to serve!

  3. I’m not ashamed to admit that I started blogging writing because I wanted to write. It took a little while to understand that I had an audience I needed to pour into. I love that this book breaks everything down beautifully. Such a great read for every business professional and entrepreneur.

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