training Tuesday – 12k this weekend!

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Coming off of the 8k, I knew I had a bit of work to do this past week to make sure I could handle the 12k coming up this weekend. I feel like I had one great run (because I only ran once) and the rest of the week was just okay. I think I’m back on track (see Monday’s workout. Whoa.) I’m kind of looking forward to not having any planned races coming up and doing the random workouts on a regular basis. I like the random (yet, still somewhat structured since I also thrive on structure) workouts.

trainingtuesday1029 Oh, and can we just discuss that the one time I did run it was FREEZING. I am not ready for cold-weather running. We warmed up somewhat quickly, but when the temps drop below 40, I can’t handle it. (And that morning, it was around 30 degrees.)

Tuesday – rest. My day just got away from me, and although I was wearing my workout gear first thing that morning, I ended up pushing my workout off and didn’t get around to it before I had to be at appointments.

Wednesday – 30-day Shred while the kiddo napped.

Thursday – 5.5 miles with Carol! It was freezing. When we set out, we didn’t have a distance in mind. And then while we were running, we decided that we’d aim for 4 miles at the minimum and hope for more. I wanted to get 6 this week, but I think 5.5 was good. My leg was still giving me fits. We fought traffic while running, so our pace was 11-minute miles, and I have no problems with that.

Friday – Water aerobics. This may be my last water class for a while. I’ve got a lot of things coming up over the next couple of weeks and they all conflict with the classes I was taking.

Saturday – Does dancing count? If so, I totally worked out.

Sunday – Travel, rested.

Monday – Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones workout. I finally opened my mom’s copy of this workout dvd. The case says it’s 40 minutes. With the warm-up (which is 5 minutes), it’s actually 49 minutes and a few seconds. With the cool-down it’s 56 minutes. Either way, my body was jelly. I really need to find my own copy of this workout. Amazon tells me that I bought it almost 4 years ago.

This weekend is the Positive Prevention 12k! I seriously loved this race so much last year. I’m not going in thinking I’m going to PR. And I’m not running this as a training run for a full marathon (because that’s what I started doing at the same time last year.) I just want to have fun! I finally signed up for the race and I’m just thrilled to be running the race with Carol again this year.

Do you have a race report, training update or any other type of workout post you’d like for others to read? Link up below!

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