Training Tuesday & 18 weeks pregnant #fitpregnancy

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It is time….to do some sort of “real” pregnancy update. Gosh I’ve been slack. And since it’s Tuesday, let’s do a quick training update (not that I’m training for much!)

I committed to a personal trainer (a student) last spring – long before I knew I was going to spend the school year with child. So at my first session, I had to go somewhat public. I didn’t know what to expect, and neither did my new trainer (but he was pretty excited and curious about working with me.) Basically, I don’t do anything super heavy and as of this week, I don’t do exercises where I’m laying flat on my back. I aim for two weights days per week and a few cardio days per week.


Last week, I got one day of weights in and two cardio days. I’ve done a weights day this week, I have one scheduled for Wednesday, and my goal is to get two to three days of cardio. My cardio is a little bit of running, a lot of walking, and even more elliptical. (The elliptical doesn’t bother me, so I’ll take it.) The pool at the gym we now have a membership to has been nice as well. And I can take Lucas on the weekends.

So the pregnancy side of things…this time around I’m out of breathe…constantly. I feel more worn down, and I think that’s from my schedule, and my 4-year-old. I’m snagging these questions from last time, and it’s interesting how things change and how things are so similar. (Apparently I crave pineapple when pregnant. Who knew??)

How far along am I: 18 Weeks

Size of baby: (From last time: McLittle is now the size of a sweet potato.) So I guess McLittler is the size of a sweet potato. We have an ultrasound next week so we can possibly gauge a little more from that.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I’m not keeping up with this.

Clothes: Maternity clothes forever. I’m grateful to Susanna who has loaned me her winter maternity clothes so I don’t have to purchase a new wardrobe!

Gender: Girl! We found out through blood work at 11 weeks.

Movement: I feel flutters occasionally.

Sleep: I fall asleep easily, but if I wake up for something in the middle of the night, I am UP! I can’t fall back asleep.

What I miss: It’s becoming more difficult to sleep on my stomach and I miss rushing through tasks (you know, like yard work.)

Cravings: Salt. Chips. Popcorn. But really anything with salt.

Symptoms: Always tired. Out of breathe. I’m having crazy meat aversions.

Best moment this week: Lucas has started calling the baby “his baby” which is cute. He’s no longer in denial or arguing with us over the baby.

Alright…until next week. (And I promise to add photos of me, once I take some.)

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  1. I was so exhausted with my 2nd pregnancy that all I could do was sleep. I did attribute it to the fact that I didn’t have the option of going to work and coming home and going to sleep immediately like I did with my first.

    I think I was in my 2nd trimester before I felt not so sleepy then the third trimester the joke was that I had narcolepsy. Could totally be talking one minute and asleep the next!

  2. I’ve been trying to keep up with blogs but I have serious baby brain. I can’t wait to see a pic of the baby bump!!! Funny how pregnancies are, this time around I have more energy and I feel better when I work out. With Everett I couldn’t hardly muster any energy to do anything. I am totally craving orange juice too.

  3. Wow I was so sick with my 2nd that exercise just didnt happen. Its amazing what youre doing. I sure dont miss all the things that come with being pregnant especially lack of sleep. Good luck on the remainder of your pregnancy.

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