Training for races! Deadlines in place! #TrainingTuesday

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I’m beyond ecstatic….I have 3 races I’m officially registered for and another in the works. I’ll register for that one later this month, but the price is ridiculously low, and there wasn’t a deadline of January 31 to sign up for a discount.

Without further ado, I’ll reveal the races I’m training for this spring.

Training Tuesday: Training for 2015 races.

May 3 – Cincinnati half marathon. (Part of the Flying Pig, but it’s the half marathon.) Carol and I are running it together, and hopefully we can convince Melissa to run it as well.

June 6 – Downhill at Dawn. I love, love, love this race. And I was debating this and the Asheville Half Marathon, and my friends convinced me to stick with my tried and true D@D.

March 15 – Shamrock 5k. I signed up because Suzanne is running it and it’s been a while since we’ve run a race together! I’m anxious to see where I am 5k-wise in March.

April – Fiddlin’ 5k. I’m not signed up for this race (yet) but will be soon. This is one that is held on my campus and the surrounding area, and it was a good time last spring. My husband and son will hopefully be joining me for this race. I’ll be tapering for the half marathon, but it should be a good time!

A look at this past week’s training:

Tuesday – I ran slowly on the treadmill for about 2.5 miles. I had done a strength workout the day before and I couldn’t will my legs to move, but I knew I needed to work out some of the soreness. I also started really using my Mogi. This thing is awesomeeeee!

Wednesday – Strength. I begged Faith to have mercy on my legs. I couldn’t do a squat, much less leg press or anything leg-related. She listened and worked my arms.

Thursday – scheduled rest day.

Friday – Unintentional rest day. I had my clothes to run, but I forgot my shoes.

Saturday – 4 miles running outside. I have been running between an 11-minute and 11:30-minute per mile pace, and this past Saturday I ran my 4 miles in 10:30-minute per mile pace. I didn’t feel like I was killing myself and I even stopped to take photos. It was surreal, and I truly feel like strength workouts are helping me tremendously.

Oh and Saturday was the first day my legs didn’t hurt from the Monday workout.

Sunday – 30-minute cardio workout (Jillian Michaels video.)

Monday – Strength circuits. I do a 10-minute warm-up on the treadmill and a 15-minute cool down on the treadmill. My circuits are 3 exercises (20 reps each x 3 sets.) And I do 3 sets of exercises. I basically did 9 exercises at 20 reps and 3 sets, if that makes sense.

My legs are jelly. My arms are a little weak. I’m learning to really stretch and I’m also committing to a rest day.

Tell me…do you have races you’re training for or want to run this spring? Have you done much strength training in the past? I have a love-hate relationship with it. I love some of the exercises and having the workout behind me. I love having someone to push me. I still would rather run.

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  1. typically i do a weights class, but the leg work was negatively influencing our runs, so this week we switched to a strictly upper body routine

  2. I have the Tinkerbell Half Marathon in May, this will be my first race after baby. I’m excited and nervous, it has been extremely difficult carving out time to run and my lil’ man isn’t a fan of the running stroller but I just have to keep trying. I’m really excited to be following another with running, this is really motivating me to stay focused. šŸ™‚

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