Training Tuesday in 2017

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The first week of January, and this is my first training post of the year. What better way to kick off the new year with fitness goals? 

At some point last month, I kicked my training into high gear. I think it was the free time and access to childcare I had at our gym, and I took advantage of that every morning that I possibly could. I even started my own running streak – which I broke when we drove to and from Florida. (I ran a lot in Florida, though. It was nice to see the sun and to run outside, where it’s flat and SUNNY!) Locally, there is a series called Race to the Taps, which is 4 races at 5 miles each, held at a local brewery. My husband signed up for the series, and I committed to ONE race with him. Mentally I’m not there for all 4 races. 

I’ve run 4 miles a couple of times since the baby was born more than 8 months ago, but I’m in no means in the best shape to race. This past week I’ve been running 2-3 miles a day. Not too shabby. I’ve exceeded my 10,000 steps goal (except the two days we spent 9+ hours driving) and I feel good. 

So here we are. My goals. I think they’re very attainable, and I’m well on my way to kicking January’s butt. (Just remind me of this when it snows one day and I need to get out and run.)  

January GOALS: 

Run/walk 50 miles over the month. 

Begin a run streak of running at least one mile each day. We’ll see how long I can keep this streak going. 

Get back into weight lifting. 

10 minute abs 2-3 times each week. (10 Minute Abs is part of the 21-Day Fix workout. I have the DVDs and I like using them when I can’t get out or I need something quick and don’t have someone to watch the kids.) 

Sign up for more than one race. 

Now, I’m toying with the idea of a half marathon. I would love to run Downhill at Dawn in June, but I don’t know if training for a half is feasible with an infant. I did that when my son was 7 months and it was HARD. I also ran a full marathon when he was over a year old and that was almost the end of me. My race goals will evolve this year, but for now I’ll settle with the 5-miler in March. Everything else will be a bonus. 

What are you hoping to do this year?

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