training Tuesday – DC half marathon week 6

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I tend to write my training posts over the course of a week (it’s just easier that way.) I had to update after the tragic events at the Boston Marathon yesterday. My heart goes out to all those injured, the families of those who have died and my prayers are definitely with everyone who was affected by the explosions.

This type of thing just makes me incredibly sad and scared. I’m a runner. I’m just like half of the runners who ran yesterday and this kind of thing could happen anywhere, and it makes no sense. Those runners are good people, doing something they loved to do (and ohmygosh, could you imagine running the Boston-freaking-marathon? It’s something I will probably never do in my lifetime.)

I’m just so incredibly sad.

I finally have an answer as to what is wrong with my leg, and stretching seems to REALLY help me. This week didn’t see a ton of mileage, but I felt good. And that’s what matters at this point.

We’re less than two weeks from the half marathon. Cue panic-mode.

Tuesday – Walked a mile as I was still not supposed to run.

Wednesday – 2.6 – 11:38 pace and I was ANGRY when I ran that day. I took my frustration out on the pavement, while also trying to not hurt my leg. I vented a lot to my boss, we had to stop several times at lights, and I felt pretty good when I finished.

Thursday – 3.3 – I ran in Montford and ran a 10:26 pace. I felt like I was going faster, but I did stop to take a few photos. (Have you seen my post about that particular route I run?)

Friday – Nada.

Saturday – 8 miles with Melissa! We ran two hilly miles and then 6 flat(ish) miles. It took us an hour and 31 minutes. We started out really fast, but slowed it down. The last mile was almost all uphill, so that definitely took a good amount of time to climb. It was a good run. Weather was perfect, I felt good. Just. Good.

I walked Saturday afternoon and did 45 minutes of yard work – I think all of that is definitely exercise that should be counted!

Sunday – I walked a mile and did yard work. Totally legit training, right?

Monday – 3 miles in just under 33 minutes. I felt great and I ran the really long hills that are in downtown. I mean, seriously long (the downhill is amazing. The uphill is brutal.) My leg didn’t hurt at all.

How was your week?

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  1. Sounds like your training is coming along really well! This is going to make me sound like an awful human being but… it makes me feel better that you’ve done a bajillion races and are still nervous for this one. Makes me feel a little bit better about the consuming panic I felt on Sunday. šŸ™‚

  2. Ohh, hills be the devil! So glad the rest of your weeks workouts went better than Wednesdays.

    And yes, yard work is totally legit. I counted roller-skating for a workout – so yeah, whatever makes us happy, right?

  3. dude, you effing rock! you’re so casual about popping out 3 miles let alone EIGHT!
    I’m new around here but when’s your half? I can run maybe 2.5 kms consecutively now so 26kms (I think) is mind blowing.

    1. I’m running the DC Half marathon this coming weekend! I ran a full marathon (my fifth) back in March, so this is like a walk in the park compared to that! šŸ˜‰ Thanks for commenting!

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