training Tuesday – DC half marathon week 8 (race day!)

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Race week!! I’m giving you an update on my training and a look into race day, but I’ll have a full race report (with SO MANY photos!) coming later. Seriously. I have so many photos.

Tuesday – 3.02 miles in downtown Asheville.

Wednesday – 3.1 miles and my last run downtown before race day.

Thursday – Rest.

Friday – driving day. A little walking (to the expo)

Saturday – 2.5 miles in 25 minutes on the treadmill. Several miles of walking through DC. Not the smartest plan, but we weren’t going to waste our time (or beautiful weather) by hanging in our hotel rooms.

Sunday – RACE day! 13.1 miles in 2 hours, 35 minutes. The course was fantastic, the weather couldn’t have been better and support on the course was amazing! We could have used better access to bathrooms and our time included a 10-minute stop at a bathroom. A full race report is coming. We accomplished what we set out to do – have an amazing time and get the Tiffany necklace at the finish. The Nike Women’s half marathon in DC was totally worth everything we put into it.

After the race, we walked another few miles in DC. My legs were so sore.

Monday – driving day. No real exercise.

Starting later this week, I’m going to begin training for my next half marathon. It’s called Downhill at Dawn and it’s on June 1. I’m excited about it and I think it’s my last half marathon for a while. I’m hoping it’s a good one!

Linking up.

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    1. I have a lot of steep hills (one right next to my house, actually) that I intend on training on. I’m hoping to have my training plan pulled together tomorrow night. I ordered a book yesterday that has a plan in it that I want to try to do.

  1. Yay for the pictures!2:35 is a great time – congratulations!

    Also, I’ve never heard of a downhill race so I’m looking forward to hearing about the training for that!

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