Final push before the half marathon #TrainingTuesday #fitfluential

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This week may have been the toughest week of training for this upcoming race. Physically, I just feel out of it and I’m hoping this feeling passes – I have a half marathon to run in a few days!

Taken on my lunch run (on Monday.)
Taken on my lunch run (on Monday.)

I did weights last Tuesday and Friday with Faith. I ran on Wednesday evening (just a few miles) and I missed working out on Thursday. I used lawn mowing as my workout on Saturday and had hoped to get 8 miles in on Sunday. Instead, I ran 5 and they were mediocre at best.

Monday found me on a loop outside campus for 3.25 miles at lunch.

My goal is to get two weight workouts in this week, but focus on core and upper body. My legs are tired. I’ve been battling a knee pain that has mostly gone away, but I’d rather not aggravate it before Saturday.

My other goal is to use Saturday as a training run. I really think I have a shot at a PR next month at Downhill at Dawn. I’ve been training and as long as everything holds out, I think my training can really come through for me for that race. The race this Saturday is totally unexpected and I have no idea what is in store for me. I’ll have fun with it, either way.

My other concerns about this weekend? There’s very little information out there. The website doesn’t have a start time, and I can’t figure out a start location. It’s going to be an interesting race, to say the least. Hopefully I can get more details when I pick up my packet on Friday (which, by the way, is not the location of the race start. I know that much.)

This time next week, I should have a race report for you…and hopefully it’ll be great! Also this time next week, I’ll be winding down my time with Faith as she graduates soon! She’s taught me a lot and we’re really going to miss her in the fitness center!

What have you been working on the past few weeks? Strength? Speed? Running? Biking?

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