training Tuesday – July week 3

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Another week led to another week of training. I have a 5k this coming weekend, but nothing else that I’m officially signed up for.

Tuesday – rest day. Just wasn’t feeling it.

Wednesday – ran 3.55 miles.

Thursday – Killer abs workout + I ran 2.53 miles at lunch. I had only wanted to run about 2 miles. We got a little misdirected and ended up with an extra half of a mile. I felt awful. This was truly a bad, bad run which started when I drank nothing but caffeine in the morning (no water.) Lesson learned. I need to drink more water.

Friday – Ran 3.05 miles. What could be worse than running 2.5 miles dehydrated? Running 3 miles when hyped up on Dayquil.

Saturday – I walked a mile. No other activity.

Sunday – I planned on running. I went outside and I got into my driveway when the sky opened up. Lots of rain + thunder = no running for this girl. So I did a Shred workout (level 3.) We also took a family walk.

Monday – Ran 3.15 miles. Tried to run the Bele Chere 5k course and we got a little turned around. I am hopeful about the race this weekend, though.

I’m not motivated these days. I’m taking “rest” days but my mileage isn’t that high for training for anything big. I have a half marathon in mind, but if I go with the Train Like a Mother “Finish it” plan, I should be on my third week of training. I just. don’t. want. to. do. it. I feel lazy, but I know if I can commit to a schedule I’d be better off.

How are you handling training during the summer? Anyone else in a slump?

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  1. burn out? the heat?

    i’m currently on my “a” game, but leading up to the downhill at dawn race I was in a training slump. taken some race time off this summer and am now on the up swing (thankfully)

  2. I feel like half my runs that go bad are because I didn’t drink enough water ahead of time. Even though you’re training feels meh, you’re still keeping in good enough shape that when you do sign up for a longer race, you’ll be ready to jump into training. keep it up. and maybe signing up for that half will get you into gear? (or make you miserable… it could go either way.)

    1. I’ve been working out, but haven’t felt like I’ve had a “goal” this summer. I’ve been trying to have fun with my running, but I think I need a tad bit of structure or I may go crazy. šŸ™‚

  3. I’m totally in a slump too. But now that I’ve decided to look at training plans and get that all set up for the fall (when to start, etc) I can feel my motivation trying to break through.

    How are you liking Killer Abs? I need to get back on that train!

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