training Tuesday – run early, run often?

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I haven’t been a great runner/worker-outer this past week. I’ve done stuff, but I haven’t really been documenting anything.

On Thursday, I woke up and started getting dressed to work out. I was planning on the 30-day Shred, but as I was putting my contacts in, I thought that a run sounded better. I haven’t run before work in years. I think the last time I ran before work was before I was pregnant? It’s been a long time.

And it felt so great.

I ran by the corn maze near our house (and shot a quick photo.) It was so quiet and peaceful and cool. Cool being the operative word. I got in about 2.5 miles before I called it a run and had to get ready for work.


I ran on Sunday and then again on Monday. I decided to go for a lunch run on Monday and I felt good. Not the greatest (because of the heat), but I maintained an almost 10-minute mile pace. Not too shabby for the heat and humidity. Oh my gosh, the humidity! I hate it.

I’m thinking if I run before work, I may start running more often. We’ll have to see how much sleep I can get. If I get enough, then pre-work running is totally feasible.

I did do the 30-day Shred at least twice this past week, but my workouts haven’t been much to write home about. I’m just trying to find my mojo again.

I’m going to sign up for the Positive Prevention 12k soon (it’s in November), but that is really the only race I’m looking at right now. The money benefits a great organization and it’s a fun race. It’s not quite a half marathon, so it won’t be as time consuming to train for (I can do training runs during lunch or at the very end of the work day.)

Do you run/work out early in the day? When do you fit it all in?

Linking up for Training Tuesday

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  1. I hardly ever (read: never) run in the morning before work. I just have always valued my sleep too much and to be completely honest, it scares the bajeebus out of me to run alone. But I know I’ll have to face that fear come training season to get all the runs in I need for what I need to do. I work out mostly during my lunch break and after the kid goes to bed (around 9pm at night).

    How cool is that corn maze though?!

  2. I’m with Tam — I just really like sleep. Now and then I’ve run before work though when I knew the weather or my schedule just won’t allow it any other time.

  3. I just cannot ever get into the running before work thing. I actually tried this morning but I woke up and was like…nope! haha I applaud you

  4. When I’m teaching, I often get up and run at 4:30. It’s early and dark, but it’s peaceful and I feel so much better getting it done. I don’t have a long enough lunch break to run like you do, so it’s that or after work and it often doesn’t fit into my schedule to do it after work.

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