training Tuesday…marathon week 14

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Less than two weeks until marathon-day! I felt pretty good this past week, so I’m hoping that’s a sign of what’s to come on March 3. Hopefully I can stay healthy.

This week I did very little (read: none whatsoever) cross-training. I ran five days this past week, which I felt pretty good about. That said, my distances during the week aren’t high at all. But I’m running a lot of hills, and getting *something* in, so I think it counts. (In my head, it counts.)

My left hamstring has been a little sore and my right knee has been sore. I think it’s just a combination of running and getting old. (I’d like to point out that it was Brooke who mentioned it could be a result of getting older.)  😉

Tuesday – 3 miles

Wednesday – rest (this was a crazy busy day at work. There was no time to run and I ended up working through lunch.)

Thursday – 3 miles

Friday – 2.5 miles – I had to cut this run short. So much traffic and I had to avoid getting hit roughly 10 times. (I’m not kidding.) After I watched a woman run a red light (she stopped – and then went straight through the red light), I decided I needed to get back to my desk where it was safe.

Saturday – 12 miles. This run went surprisingly well. I’m at the point in training that I can say, “I ran ‘just’ 12 miles.” In comparison, two weeks ago I ran 20 miles and that sucked. My only running mishap this week was when a telephone pole grabbed my jacket and I almost fell. (Okay. I was running a little too close and a nail got stuck on my sleeve.) Jacket is okay. I didn’t fall. I kept running. This also happened at the two-mile mark, which is the point I fell a couple of weeks ago. Something about mile 2 and me….

Sunday – rest

Monday – 3 miles. This was a GREAT run. I ran with music, I didn’t get hit by any cars, and I had to stop very few times because I managed to catch all of the “walk” signs at just the right times. I was originally supposed to run with my boss, but she had something else come up at lunchtime. I’m so glad I convinced myself to go.

Last night, I posted photos from my weekday runs. Be sure to check them out.

Now, runner friends, what are you training for?

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