training Wednesday: marathon training week 8
Again, this was another post I had hoped to have up on Tuesday. One day soon, we’ll be back to training Tuesdays. And then I’ll be done with my marathon training.
This was a MUCH better week than previous weeks! I ran (twice!) during my lunch hour/break. I did pilates. I completed a 14-mile run. I basically rocked at exercising this week.
Wednesday – nada
Thursday – 2ish miles with my boss. (This was a cold day, and I was running with her just to get an idea of what I could do during a quick break or lunch hour. It was a lot of fun!)
Friday – pilates
Saturday – 14-mile run with Suzanne. We started a little before 6, and it was around 26 degrees outside. I wore several layers (including my new cold weather Under Armour pants and jacket.) I was still cold. There was one part of our run where I had warmed up a little, but then I got cold again. I hate running in freezing weather! For the most part (of our 10.25 run together – I ran 3.75 on my own), the run felt good. I have another long run on Saturday, so hopefully I can continue to feel good. This run was done in 2 hours, 45 minutes. A little slower than the previous week.
I did end up with a lot of soreness in my knees after this run. My left knee was giving me trouble through Monday. It feels ok today, though. Not sure what’s causing those problems.
Sunday – rest (not completely – I did take a walk that afternoon.)
Monday – ran 2.5 miles downtown. I almost didn’t run this. I even went on Twitter and asked my friends to convince me. My boss couldn’t do the run with me, and another friend wasn’t able to do it (because of the aforementioned training at work.) I still went. And this is a shot I got from that run:
My goal had been to run up this really long hill without stopping. I made that my challenge to conquer before my marathon. And then I did it on Monday. So now my goal is to run up the insane hill without stopping, and without feeling like my lungs are going to explode when I reach the top.
Tuesday – pilates
Like I mentioned before, I think I rocked this week in working out. Let’s see if I can do that again.
You really rocked it this week! Great job, Jaime!
awesome job tackling the hill!