Transformation Tuesday…making strides #LoseATurkey #TransformationTuesday

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I didn’t do a Transformation Tuesday last week. I was traveling and while I was making some good choices, I didn’t really think it was enough. I wasn’t sure where my weight was, and when I returned home, I knew that I had a decent amount of “travel weight” that I still needed to deal with.


Fact of the matter is, I kind of hate traveling because of the poor choices I tend to make. The hours spent in the car aren’t helpful either.

I did make it to the fitness center one morning and I tried to trade most of the fried foods for grilled options (or better yet: salads.) I made sure that breakfasts were lighter and more fruit-filled. I didn’t even tempt myself with a Belgian waffle in the hotel.

On Saturday, I made a run to our local Weight Watchers store to arm myself with smoothies, and I’ve begun swapping those with my regular breakfasts. I didn’t get to stick around for the meeting (I had my toddler with me), but I plan to attend a meeting this weekend.

I’m tracking every bite now. I hate tracking my food, but it’s the only thing that really works for me. I think back to the first time I did Weight Watchers – 10 years ago – and I was so strict with myself. It paid off and I was at a healthy weight for years. I just don’t know why it’s so hard this time. Post-pregnancy. Mid-30s. (I do know why it’s so difficult. I just hate admitting that certain conditions – like age – can make weight loss so challenging.)

I ran/walked 1.8 miles last week on the treadmill and had plans to go for a 2-mile run on Sunday. Things happened (like I fell down our stairs and tweaked my knee), but we managed to get out for a walk as a family. I’m taking it easy and still tracking.

It’s beginning to pay off too. I’m down 3.6 pounds since I began this #LoseATurkey challenge. I definitely won’t meet the whole turkey loss by Thanksgiving, but it’s a start, right?

Do you give yourself an “out” during the holidays? Or do you continue on with your fitness efforts? (I’ve always been able to exercise even more during the holidays, but finding it a challenge right now.)

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  1. Even skinny-minnie me has had to face the music about weight loss and gain in my 30s. I have a very modest goal of 5 pounds to lose so I can fit back in my sexy jeans. I try to keep it under control over the holidays with portion control. I have one cookie instead of 5, and when I’m tempted to snack all day long, I drink water or “splurge” with a diet soda. I also only get one helping of whatever’s served at the big holiday meals. My goal is usually just to maintain my weight – I’m not gonna try to lose, especially over Christmas. (Thanksgiving is easy for me because I’m not a huge fan of the traditional fare.)

  2. Congrats on your weight loss. Yes I do give myself a out on holidays. But I find when I am aware of what I am eating – I do not eat as much as if I was not aware.

  3. I don’t eat healthy, although I have been trying the past few months to make healthier swaps for things. Like greek yogurt vs. sour cream. Water vs. diet soda. That sort of thing and I have noticed a difference. Everybody has to start somewhere, right?! Good luck to you and I hope your knee is okay!!!! I fall down every set of stairs I come in contact with. :/

  4. Oh my goodness, I’m with you on the age thing. I feel like the day I turned 30 I started having issues with putting on a few extra pounds that I NEVER had to deal with before. And though I do allow myself a bit of “opting out” over the holidays, I have spent the last few years being more careful with what (or more importantly, how much) I eat at the holidays. I’m so sad that the days are gone that I could eat what I wanted and never notice a difference. Boo.

  5. I feel your weight loss pain. I’m in a never ending battle with healthy eating and controlling my weight. When I really get set on it, I have to be aware of EVERYTHING I eat just like you.

  6. I’m actually starting to track now because of the holidays. I can’t afford to gain more, so hopefully I can drop some before it’s time to indulge.

  7. I unabashedly give myself an out. A BIG out. I try to eat healthy all year, but when Thanksgiving and Christmas roll around, I just want my delicious nom noms.

  8. During the Holidays i try to remember to have everything in moderation. I try to drink water over surgery soda or alcohol.

  9. I know what you mean!! I am 30 this year and the heaviest I have ever been. My activity level is only slightly less and my eating isn’t that much worse. But now I am like you and have to really TRY and FOCUS to lose weight. It’s hard, but I know it will be worth it!

  10. I was always super skinny then I got pregnant at 38, quit smoking, and went through early menopause… I ballooned up in my 40s and just turned 50 this year and the older you get the harder it is to lose. I struggle with my weight, but I will more than likely be overeating for the holidays. 🙁

  11. The holidays make it hard! I eat things I wouldn’t at other times, but I try to stick with exercising. I don’t tend to lose any during the holidays but I try not to gain.

  12. You should be proud of any weight loss especially if you are eating healthier and exercising. Sorry to hear you hurt your knee. Don’t give up just take it one day at a time.

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