Ultimate Blog Party 2014 – introducing me #UBP14

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I’m linking up with the Ultimate Blog Party this year. I’ve read about this in years past, and I’m finally joining in on the fun!

If you’re new to this blog, I’m Jaime. I’ve been blogging for 9 years and this space has seen me through a couple of relationships, a lot of running, my wedding and eventually becoming a mom 2.5 years ago. (Before my son, this blog focused a lot on my cat. Because she’s amazing.)


(That’s me, and my son. Taken Saturday night at a baseball game.)

I’ve been running since the 7th grade. I don’t claim to be fast, but I have run a LOT. I’ve completed five marathons, and several more half marathons. I don’t even know how many 5ks (and other distances) I’ve completed.

I definitely try to focus on the positive things in my life now. I think that some things can be a little too negative and I just don’t want that to spill over into this space.

I have lived in Asheville, NC for most of my life. I still have a hard time saying I’m “from” Asheville, but I think since I’ve lived about 2/3 of my life here, I’m from here? My husband has been in this area for over 10 years. We really like the area.


My blog can be fairly random. I try to write about training and races, our menus (we meal plan like it’s our job) and my adventures in crafting.

You can find me on Twitter (mostly), Pinterest (a lot), Instagram (daily), Facebook (weekly) and Google+ (every time I update the blog.)

Thanks for visiting!

Do you blog? When did you begin? Make sure I have your blog address in the comments!

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  1. I forgot all about the Ultimate Blog Party this year :/

    I have been blogging for about 8 years now — before my kids, mine was just a bit of random babble about school and work!

  2. This is great! That’s awesome that you’ve been blogging for nine years! I’ll have to check out this ultimate blogging party.

  3. I began blogging in 2011, but I am really trying to start taking it more seriously. Right now I am working mostly as a VA for a few other blogs. Gotta work on my own too!

  4. Wow a 9 year blogging veteran, that is SO cool! I’ve been blogging for a little over 3 and a half years and it really seems like forever. Not to long ago I decided to change my domain, so now I’m over at Homemaking Hacks. I wish I had chosen an awesome domain like you that could grow with me.. but .. ya know. Thanks for sharing a little more about you šŸ˜‰

  5. I have a hard time saying I’m from a place, too, even though I’ve lived here for pretty much all of my adult life. 9 years of blogging is a lot!

    1. I just mentioned on another reply…I cringe when I look back at some of my really early posts! Up until a few years ago, I didn’t really blog with a purpose or a schedule. I could post once a month or 10 times in one week. It eventually became a really fun hobby and I’ve met some great people through blogging!

  6. One more year and you’ve been a blogger for a decade! That’s a great milestone! I know Iā€™m way too far from that milestone but reading your post inspires me. I wonder how it feels like to get where you are now and look back to your blogging history. šŸ™‚

    1. I cringe when I look back at really old posts! Really, I had no purpose when I started blogging. Somehow this space evolved and it became more fun – and I have met some of my greatest friends through blogging and blog conferences! I seriously can’t believe it’s been almost a decade!

  7. Nice to meet you! I’ve been blogging since 2011. I’m inspired to start a blog for my cats because that would be epic. 9 years blogging is amazing!

  8. I have been blogging for nearly 2 years now. I love the idea of sharing more about yourself, I think that’s great! I am a wanna-be-runner, ran in high school, got out of shape, now trying to get my feet wet again. Doing some 5k’s is the extent of it right now though!

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