the unproductive week
So I’m on furlough this week. Just one week, and I go back to work on Monday. I had so many plans for the week. I was going to clean out at least two of our closets, work on our garage and get some stuff ready for a garage sale, do a bit of sewing and work on a few craft projects for a friend who is expecting a baby next month (and we happen to be visiting our friends this weekend.) I also wanted to work on blogging. My photo blog has been neglected.
Now, what have I done? I’ve taken a nap two out of three days. I’ve looked at clean laundry in the laundry basket (notice I didn’t say fold.) I did go to a doctor’s appointment today. I went running twice this week, and I’ve walked the dog three times. I spent several hours at my ceramics teacher’s house, working on a nightlight for our friends. Oh, and I finally managed to pull together a diaper cake (but it hasn’t been decorated.)
I’ve failed as a housewife. But I’ve been very successful at napping and playing with Chloe.
I think I could use another week off, just to try and redeem myself for wasting this week.
I am so jealous of your week. And no guilt. Enjoy it.
Seriously – no guilt! What I wouldn’t give for a nap.