‘Being Around’ Valentine’s Day

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For our first Valentine’s Day, my (now) husband went above and beyond to make me a gift. He spent hours making a mixed CD for me and it had some of the best, most unexpected songs on it.

valentinesmixedcd Mixed CDs are the bomb diggity. I miss the days of creating the perfect CD.

My favorite from the CD? “Being Around” by the Lemonheads.


Kenny and I had a strange relationship early on. And it’s been a long time since I listened to that CD. (Seeing how my CD player in my car is on the fritz, I really need to back the CD up onto my iPod.)

Today I was driving home and I heard John Legend’s song “All of Me” and just thought it would be the PERFECT song for a couple. Had this song been out 7 years ago, I would have chosen it for our first dance at our wedding.

It’s such a great song for Valentine’s Day.

I have high(er) hopes for Valentine’s Day this year. I’m hoping to complete some handmade cards before Friday and spend the evening with the husband and the toddler. We won’t be going out Friday night, since the husband has to work (at school!) on Saturday.

With the weather being so sketchy and me just being lazy, I’m thinking of sending a few e-cards this Valentine’s Day. I haven’t sent a proper e-card in several years (nor have I received one) and I used to think they were really cute and could be pretty funny. Blue Mountain has a great selection of Valentine’s e-cards ranging from romantic to funny and even some printable cards.

(My favorite so far is the dog singing the “That’s Amore” song. Seriously? It’s going to be sent to a few people.)

Do you send e-cards? Are you considering it this Valentine’s Day? If you’re hanging out on this snow day, head over and pick out a card or two to send Friday – and make someone smile!

**This post is a partnership with Blue Mountain. I wasn’t compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own. Honestly, have you seen a cuter dog singing “That’s Amore”? I didn’t think so.

Do you have any mixed CDs lying around? What is/was your favorite song from a mixed album? (Could be a mixed tape, as well. Those were super fun, too.)

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  1. I loved mixed tapes and CDs. So 80s and 90s. A playlist on an iPod is just not the same. By the way, I LOVE the picture of you and Kenny on the CD cover and also the fact that you described your early days as “strange”. LOL. I heart you guys.

  2. What a thoughtful guy! I love love love mixed CDs!! So memories are trapped in songs and there’s something awesome about be transported to those memories while listening to the CD.

  3. I love mix CDs and believe it or not, still listen to them. I have a 10 disc CD changer in my car and I so rock that! Of course, I have something else on from time to time but I still stock my 10 favorite CDs. šŸ˜‰

  4. That’s so sweet of your hubby! When I was in high school I thought e-cards were fun but to be honest I just don’t have time for them anymore!

  5. Mix Cd’s!!! I used to loveeee them! I feel like they’ve died down because of the mp3 player!1! People are just dropboxing music to eachother now! The idea of tangible gifts are a theme of this post! I’m getting music from people over the internet, as well as ecards! We’re not sending out letters, but emails or ecards! This digital world sometimes makes me sad! Perhaps I’ll send some friends some snail mail and mix cd’s! Everyone loves receiving mail and gifts!

  6. Mixed tapes.. oh CDs… yeah I never got the whole burning.. :/ LOL So I was all about the tapes.. But yeah there’s just something about receiving a mix of songs. I’m not sure I’ll send e-cards this year. It’s been hectic this holiday.. šŸ™

  7. How absolutely sweet is this? I am so old I remember making mix tapes! My hubby and I have ‘our song’ from the 80’s and I plan to get it for him before V Day.

  8. Oh you are right, making the right CD mix really is a lost art and something that just doesn’t happen anymore.. in fact I don’t know if my kids even really know what a CD is. That is a great idea to send an e-card, especially to extended family, something easy and they would love it as at least I am doing something šŸ˜‰

  9. I used to send e-cards all the time, but I haven’t in years. I’ll look into for this year. I loved making mixed tapes when I was younger, but please don’t ask me to pick a favorite song. There are just too many good ones!

  10. John Legend is one of my favorite artists! A song from an early CD of his, Stay With You, is another one of those couple-y, lovey-dovey songs too! He is awesome.

  11. I love that John Legend song. I am getting married in July and I think I’m going to use that as my first dance song…. I often wonder what happened to ecards. I use to send them all the time. I am going to checkout Blue Mountain… maybe I will start sending them again.

  12. What a great way to celebrate a special day. I love the idea of a mixed CD with all your favorite songs… Beatiful

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