It’s no secret that I work for a newspaper. I’m about to celebrate my 14th anniversary at the newspaper. Election night is like Christmas in the newsroom.
There’s a lot of buildup to election day. People bring in tons of baked goods. Instead of a ham or turkey, pizza is delivered. And with the presidential race this year, people are going to be working around the clock. (For real. We have someone working on our website until 4 a.m., when a second person will be coming in to take over.)
I’m lucky that I get to leave in a couple of hours to go home. We’ll watch the coverage on tv tonight. Unlike the 2008 election, I will not be staying up super late to watch the results. I have a non-sleeping child. I need every minute of sleep I can get.
I did not early vote this year. I did vote this morning, and it was seamless. No long lines, the process was quick.
Happy election day! And if you’re able to vote, I hope you have exercised your right to vote!