wait just a second.
I thought I was going for a nice long run to run off all of my stress and frustration.
I think I forgot to mention that I dropped a laptop on my foot this afternoon. I was video streaming a forum and as I was packing up, I went to put the laptop into it’s bag and it slipped. Onto the top of my foot (near my ankle where it attaches to my leg.) It’s pretty swollen. I had dress shoes on at the time, so there was nothing to protect my foot. I forgot about it until I put my running shoes on.
That laptop was pretty large and really got me.
I made it through 2 1/2 miles. About one mile into it, Matt came on my iPod singing Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing” and I couldn’t help but smile. And laugh.
I made it home and found video of Matt. So in honor of my not-so-crappy-but-not-so-great day and my run cut short, here’s Matt:
Watch for his excitement at the end of the video. (Excuse the language he uses at the end.)
Oh how I love him so. I should just rename the blog to, “Girl who loves Matt.”
sounds like you are having a crappy week. I understand, my week just keeps getting worse everyday. Maybe I should go running and listen to Matt.