washi washi…tape that is

This post may include affiliate links and I may earn commission if you make a purchase through these links.

Washi tape is the deal of the day on Pick Your Plum! And today’s tape is a bit (a lot) patriotic, which I think is kind of perfect seeing how it’s Flag Day, the Army’s birthday and Independence Day is just around the corner!

I’ve hoping to order one of each. I’m officially addicted to washi tape.

If you’re looking for washi tape ideas, check out my Pinterest board.

You can use it on snail mail (see this photo? I want to decorate all envelopes now.)
(pin here)
Create a simple card
(pin here)
And if you search further on Pinterest, you can find blog posts with 100 ways to use washi tape. It’s so easy to use.

For $1.50 a roll (and a flat rate shipping), it’s hard to pass up. In the next couple of weeks, I’m hoping to post a blog about ways I can use it (even for the non-crafty people that I know are reading my blog!)

**the above link is an affiliate link. Once again, I wouldn’t promote this stuff if I didn’t love it myself!

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