weekend fun – birthdays and travels

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We’re in Lake Waccamaw, celebrating my mother-in-law’s birthday. It’s her 60th. Yesterday was my dad’s birthday, so I need to do a shout-out happy birthday to him (in case he comes across this!)

We spent a lot of time in the car yesterday, a few hours playing and then sleeping hard last night (after a great dinner at The Southern Kitchen in Whiteville, NC.)

This morning, I ran 9 miles (I met the husband for the last 2.5 miles). We walked a mile this evening, so I’d have an even 10. I wanted to do more, but it just didn’t happen.

People came over this afternoon for birthday festivities. Naptime happened at the tail-end of the party. After naptime, the kiddo was playing outside, fell while holding a couple of small sticks, and received his first scuffed/scraped hand. It’s still not looking great, and I feel awful for him.

We head home tomorrow. And back to work on Tuesday. I’m hoping that the kiddo does well on the car trip. He naps less and less in the car these days. 

I have real photos from my real camera to share. This is the cake my sister-in-law made (and I used my fancy new lens to take this photo. I’m still trying to figure it out, but I think I kind of love it.)


Not taken with the new lens, but proof that my fancy camera can do a great job with self-portraits!

How was your weekend?

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