weekend in review – parties, tv and races
Is it really almost Monday again?
It rained a lot this weekend. I was smart and mowed our yard Friday night, and it took all of Saturday for my body to recover from allergy overload.
We went to a neighbor’s birthday party on Saturday afternoon and it was one of the first times we got to see our kiddo in action with other kids his age. (This does not include daycare or his birthday party last summer.) Three kids ages 2 and 3? Exhausting.
Over the years I’ve watched a few episodes of The Office. I’ve watched the complete seasons 1 and 2 and this weekend, I started on season 3. Thanks to Hulu Plus, I have all of the seasons at my fingertips. I’ve watched hours of the show in the past 48 hours.
Today I ran a race! I’ll have more on that tomorrow (I hope.) It was a lot of fun and it was kind of a last minute decision. I substituted my training run with this race. Less than two weeks until my next half marathon.
During the race, and afterwards, it rained. During a brief non-rain period, we walked Sophie, but I spent all of nap time watching The Office.
As soon as I plow through The Office, I need new shows to watch this summer. Any suggestions? (They need to be available on Hulu or Netflix, that’s my only requirement.)
There’s a show called “Suits” I just started watching. It’s on Amazon Prime.
I’m loving the shows Nashville & Smash on Hulu right now.
psych, how i met your mother, white collar