Weekend update!

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We’ve been hanging with friends a lot this past week! It’s been a ton-o-fun, and I hope it doesn’t end. Last week, we watched a lot of “Lost!” with Brandon and Betsey, hung out with them during the week, and then had dinner with Kenny’s co-workers (and friends!) on Thursday. Friday was time spent with Shawn and April (and even a little bit of time with Abbey before she went down to April’s mom house to spend the night.) Tonight, we’re heading to Aileen and Ryan’s. Lots of friends. Hope we don’t scare them off!

Tomorrow, we move back to hanging with only each other. I hope we can handle it.

If things work out to my advantage, I could be interviewing someone really cool on Wednesday. I’m super-excited about it, but won’t say anything on here until it actually happens. This past week, I interviewed Edwin McCain and it was great!! I’ll post a link to the podcast as soon as it’s up.

That’s all in the world of us….maybe more tomorrow? We’ll have to see…

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Weekend update

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It was a good weekend. So, Friday wasn’t much better than Thursday, but it wasn’t worse. That’s all I was hoping for. After working really late, I got home to find our dinner party was going to be a few minutes early, and I didn’t have a dinner ready. We ordered pizza. A Bahama Mama later, and I was in a very good mood!

Woke up Saturday morning and headed to Weaver Park. I ran 5 miles with the Team in Training group. The group changes frequently (different people training for different races) but the runners are always awesome. Really good people.

I had to go back to work after running. What a way to spoil a Saturday morning! Didn’t matter, though. I quickly got over the work thing.

Kenny and I had breakfast at Bruegger’s bagels (he had never been there!) and then we went to the science museum downtown, which was nice.

Saturday night was spent with Brandon and Betsey. Dinner at Modesto, and then played a board game. The boys had both had a couple of drinks with dinner, which made game playing QUITE humorous. Very, very fun.

Sunday. Very relaxing, and we put up the Christmas tree. I even got to hang my wreath this year!! Thanks to my mom, we now have a magnetic wreath holder for our front door. The door is actually metal, which makes the hanger work even better. I couldn’t use one of the hangers for over the door – the door wouldn’t close. SO, I’m very excited that I have the magnetic one. I’m definitely getting into the “Christmas spirit” now.

I have to plug a CD that’s a favorite of mine right now. James Blunt’s “All the Lost Souls.” I got it for my birthday, but haven’t had a chance to listen to it until last week. The song “1973” is one of my favorites. I can’t stop playing it šŸ™‚

That’s my weekend. Here’s to another work week!

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