what vacation?

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Driving to Target this morning, we realized it wasn’t Friday. It was actually Saturday. That means I have little time before I head back to work on Monday. So not fun.

We looked at area rugs that we might like for the dining room, picked up a few random items at Target and headed to Lowe’s again, where we bought washers for the leaky faucet.

Today’s accomplishments were:
Mushroom appliques on the shower door are removed (and their outlines are now gone.) Seriously. Mushrooms don’t look good anywhere, including my yard. I definitely don’t want them on my shower door and am lucky to have a husband who spent almost 2 hours scrubbing the outlines to get them out of our lives forever.

The leaves that lined our yard are (mostly) bagged. I raked up six bags of leaves. I think I’m just over halfway done. We have about 10 large trees in our front and back yards and they’ve definitely left their mark. Leaves everywhere. Thankfully, the former homeowners raked the leaves to the curb, but I wanted them gone. Six bags later, I’m almost there.

The leaky fauce it still in place. I did manage to get the water turnoff knobs to eventually turn off, but we can’t get the faucet handles to unscrew. I’ve asked my mom to come over and help. The screws are so tiny and I canNOT get them unscrewed. After an hour of frustration, I put everything back together and that’s when I started on the leaf project.

I have this feeling that I want to get the house put together and perfect right now. I know that we really just need to get unpacked, but I want it to be perfect now. I need to snap out of that feeling and work on the smaller steps. We got the light fixture up yesterday and I suddenly want to rip down wallpaper and paint….but we haven’t even thought about paint colors. Anyone else ever have this problem? Where do I begin, and where do I just leave well enough alone?


On a positive note….my hatphones work GREAT for raking and bagging leaves! Not only did I stay warm, but there were no wires for the rake to get tangled in. Perfect! Yes, I have worn the hatphones for short runs, but I’ve worn them more for chores. I start my marathon training in the next week, so I’ll be testing them with longer runs soon.

Til tomorrow….hope you’re having a great weekend!

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One Comment

  1. Maybe the previous owners were stoners and enjoyed the mushrooms in the bathroom. It wouldn’t be my first pick for a bathroom decal, but then again I am odd.

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