why, hello painted kitchen!
After months of work, the kitchen is painted. All that’s left is a little touch-up from where I painted on the cabinets (accidentally) or tore the paint off when taking the tape down (so not cool.) We’re going to tag-team the touch-ups this weekend.
First, our white kitchen. Notice the lovely painters tape I had already hung up. The white paint was the primer, and at the time it was the best the kitchen had looked since we moved in.
Without further ado….the painted kitchen:
I love this little counter. I especially love my recipe box that my mom made and gave me for Christmas two years ago. (Click on the images to see it really big!!)
We desperately want to change out the countertops from the hideous pea green, but that is going to wait until this summer – possibly even longer. I’m shooting for the summer, though.
For now, we’ll touch-up and enjoy the kitchen!
Looks great!!! Love the blue š