why so sleepy?
I came home from running today and crashed. Literally. Into my couch.
Then I popped in a disc of Gossip Girl and waited for the husband to come home.
The whole time I laid there, watching the show, wondering why am I so. freaking. exhausted?
I’m exercising like a maniac these days. I’m doing weights a few times a week, on top of the running at least 6 days a week and walking the dogs about 5 days a week, and sometimes doing multiple workouts/running/walking in one day. Exercise is supposed to keep you energized. I think it’s contributing to my constant state of feeling like I need sleep.
For the family and friends that are interested, here’s a rundown of my typical day….
4:45 a.m. – the first alarm goes off
5:00 a.m. – I may get up.
5:15 a.m. – I have to be up, or I’m going to be late for work!
5:50 a.m. – Out the door….
6:00 – Arrive at work, begin working immediately.
11:30 – Eat lunch at my desk. I’ve made it a goal to leave my desk (I did that today) and get outside for at least a few minutes. People have been planning more and more lunch meetings for me, though. That involves meeting in a conference room while I eat my lunch. Not fun.
3:00 – leave work. Sometimes I leave at 4:00.
3:30 – Arrive home, check email (most days I check work email too as soon as I get home.)
4:00 – Working out. Running. Walking. Something for roughly an hour.
5:00 – Begin dinner. Tonight I got out of dinner duty. I watched Gossip Girl.
5:30/5:45/6:00 – Eat!
6:45 – Computer time.
7:30 – TV/relaxing/craft time/catching up on the day
9:00 – Shower for the next day, plan outfit for the next day. Sometimes I’ll read. Most nights I’ll watch TV.
10:00 – Talk about going to bed, knowing my goal is to be asleep by 11.
10:30 – Finally get to bed.
Six hours later I do it all over again.
Whoa, that schedule is insane!