you capture…depth

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Depth was this week’s You Capture challenge. And I had a very hard time with this one.

I managed to get the flowers at Wendy’s. (Fake flowers always make a fast food restaurant look classy.)

And then there were cupcakes I made one night (my friend’s birthday is today. Happy birthday, Aileen!)

I actually really like the third photo. That one wasn’t so bad.

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  1. Oh my goodness! Laughed about the fake flowers and the classiness of Wendy’s : ) You made me smile. And, unfortunately, that chocolate iced cupcake made me smile too! What I wouldn’t do for a cupcake like that right this second. Darn it. : )

  2. I wanted to tell you about The Happiness Project over at my Blog. It’s simple, every Tuesday you just post a photo of something that makes you wildly happy. It’s been so rewarding to meditate each week on what brings me happiness. I thought that I would invite you to join and link up to Mr. Linky. I am trying to take over the Blogosphere with happiness!

    Here is a link to last weeks round up if you want to check it out!

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